

60 posts

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Health Insurance for Your Co-ed

Health Insurance for Your Co-ed

The right health insurance for students who are leaving college and who can no longer be covered under their parents' policies depends on the circumstances. Short-term coverage, which costs about $75/month and does not cover preexisting conditions, may be adequate...

Insurance Shortfall

Insurance Shortfall

Limited-coverage health insurance plans don't cover major expenses if you become seriously ill. These plans-sometimes called limited-benefit plans-are offered by...

Hospital Care at Home

Hospital Care at Home

Treatments that were previously done only in a hospital, such as intravenous therapy or certain antibiotic therapies, now can be done at...

Interim Health Coverage

Interim Health Coverage

Between jobs and need health coverage? Your cheapest option might be a short-term policy. It is almost always less expensive than federally...

Longer ER Waits

Longer ER Waits

Emergency room waiting times are getting longer. Because of rising patient volume, the average amount of time a patient waited to see...

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