Winter Ailments: Folk Remedies for Colds, Coughs and Flu

Not every winter illness requires a trip to the doctor's office. The following time-tested folk remedies offer effective, inexpensive treatments for minor health complaints. Important: Consult your doctor if your condition persists or grolys worse.


The average adult contracts between two and four colds each year, mostly between September and May. Medical science bas no cure for these highly contagious viral infections, but the following folk remed;ies can help ward off colds, ease symptoms and possibly shorten a cold's duration...

  • Garlic. Garlic contains allicin, which has been shown to reduce the severity of a cold. Eat four cloves of freshly crushed raw garlic three times a day until you have recovered.
    Cinnamon, sage and bay. Cinnamon contains compounds believed to reduce congestion. Sage can help sooth sore throats. Some Native American cultures have used bay leaves to clear breathing passages. Steep one-half teaspoon each of cinnamon and sage with a bay leaf in six ounces of hot water. Strain and add one tablespoon of lemon juice. Lemon helps reduce mucus buildup. If you like your tea sweet, add honey.
  • Chicken soup. The Mayo Clinic has said in its health newsletter that chicken soup can be an excellent treatment for head colds and other viral respiratory infections for which antibiotics are not helpful.


Influenza is a potentially serious viral infection. People often mistake colds for the flu. Everyday Ailments Colds take hold gradually and are not usually accompanied by severe aches or a fever. The onset of the flu is sudden, and symptoms include fever, severe muscle aches and fatigue.

  • Garlic and cognac. A shot of cognac is a popular flu remedy in Germany, where it's thought to ease symptoms and help the body cleanse itself Gadic helps clear mucus, among other potential benefits. Peel and dice a half-pound of garlic. Add one quart of 90-proof cognac, and seal the mixture in an airtight bottle. Store in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Strain out the garlic, and reseal the liquid in the bottle. Prepare a new batch each year.
  • To treat the flu: Add 20 drops to eight ounces of water. Drink three glasses a day, one before each meal.
  • For prevention: Use 10 to 15 drops, instead of 20, per glass in flu season.
  • Important: This treatment is not advisable for people who have drinking problems or for children.
  • Sauerkraut. Sauerkraut's concentration of lactic acid bacteria may weaken infections . Have two tablespoons of sauerkraut juice or about one-half cup of sauerkraut each day during flu season to reduce the chances of infection.


Experiment with these remedies until you find what works best for you…

  • Apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is a powerful anti-inflammatory and its acidity might help kill the bacteria that cause some sore throats. Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to six ounces of warm water. Gargle with a mouthful, spit it out, then drink a mouthful. Continue this until the mixture is gone. Rinse your mouth with water to prevent the vinegar from eroding your teeth. Repeat the vinegar gargle every hour for as long as your sore throat persists.
  • Sage. Sage is an anti-inflammatory. Add one teaspoon of dried sage to one six-ounce cup of boiling water. Steep for three to five minutes, strain, then gargle and swallow.
  • Lemon and honey. Honey coats the throat, while lemon can temporarily reduce the mucus buildup that often accompanies a sore throat. Squeeze one lemon, add a teaspoon of honey and drink. Repeat every two hours.
  • Tongue stretching. Stick out your tongue for 30 seconds, relax it for a few seconds, then repeat four times. This is believed to increase blood flow to the throat, speeding the healing process.


Try these folk remedies to figure out which works best for you…

  • Lemon, honey and olive oil. Honey and olive oil coat and soothe, while lemon reduces mucus. Heat one cup of honey, a half cup of olive oil and the juice of one lemon over a medium flame for five minutes. Turn off the heat, and stir for two minutes to blend the ingredients. Consume one teaspoon of the mixture every two hours.
  • Vinegar and cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper contains capsa.icin, a proven painkiller, while vinegar serves as an anti-inflammatory. Add a half cup of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of cayenne pepper to one-half cup of water. Add honey if desired. Take one tablespoon when your cough acts up and another tablespoon before bed.
  • Horseradish and honey. Horseradish can help loosen mucus, while honey coats the throat. Grate one teaspoon of fresh, peeled horseradish into two teaspoons of honey. Consume one teaspoon every two to three hours.
  • Ginger. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory that contains gingerols, which provide pain-reducing and sedative benefits. Chew a piece of fresh, peeled gingerroot when you feel the cough acting up, usually in the evening before bed. Chew until the ginger loses its kick.
  • Licorice root tea. Licorice relieves the pain of irritated mucous membranes. Drink licorice root tea as long as your cough persists.
  • Note: Don't try licorice root if you have high blood pressure or kidney problems.