Recipe for Great Power Nap

Find a quiet place where you can fall asleep easily...set an alarm if you are worried about oversleeping—a nap should last 30 to 40 minutes...nap at the time of the afternoon when you normally feel sleepiest...give yourself time to wake up—be fully alert before driving or doing any demanding task...if you find it hard to get going after a nap, shorten nap time...if you find that you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night, try other afternoon pick me- ups (some people are nappers and some are not).

Examples: A well-balanced snack, exposure to bright light, 10 to 20 minutes of moderate exercise.

"Sleeping Sickness"

Patients with sleep apnea may stop breathing after surgery. People with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) temporarily stop breathing during sleep. Sedatives and pain medicines used during surgery can suppress the mechanism that causes arousal and may prevent these patients from waking up during the postoperative period, resulting in respiratory arrest.

Best: Tell your doctor if you snore, have daytime headaches, fall asleep during the day or have other signs of OSA.

If OSA is suspected: After surgery, fewer sedating drugs may be may be positioned on your side...and you should be monitored for apnea or low blood-oxygen levels.