Natural Ways to Calm Restless Legs

In bed, you feel an aching, tingling or "creepy crawly" sensation in your legs. Moving brings relief, so you can't resist—but then it's hard to fall asleep.

Culprit: Restless legs syndrome (RLS), a neurological disorder that's twice as common in women as men. Sedative medications don't fully alleviate symptoms and can cause daytime drowsiness. Better…

  • Get screened for underlying conditions. Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, Parkinson's, sleep apnea or nerve damage may also relieve RLS.
  • Review medications. Certain antihistamines, antidepressants, antinausea drugs and blood pressure drugs aggravate RLS. Ask your doctor about alternatives.
  • Take supplements. Try this daily regimen for a month. If it helps, continue indefinitely200 milligrams (mg) of alpha-lipoic acid...300 mg of magnesium...1,000 micrograms (mcg) of methylcobalamin, a form of vitamin B-12...800 mcg of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (-MTHF), a form of folic acid.. and 300 mg of resveratrol. As with any supplement regimen, talk to your doctor before beginning.
  • Have your iron tested. Iron deficiency increases RLS risk.

But: Excess iron can harm the brain and organs. Take iron only if a blood test reveals a deficiency and your doctor recommends it.

  • Use homeopathy. Try Arsenicum album if RLS is accompanied by exhaustion and heaviness or trembling in the legs...Causticum if symptoms include burning or cramping in calves and feet.. Ignatia if you have muscle spasms when dropping off to sleep. Consult a homeopathic practitioner for dosages.
  • Try acupuncture. Some patients report improvement in RLS symptoms.

Symptom soother: Firmly massage your calves and thighs.