Homeopathic Remedy Reduces Bruising

The homeopathic remedy arnica montana significantly reduces bruising. In a recent double-blind clinical trial involving 29 women who were undergoing face-lifts, participants were randomly assigned to receive homeopathic amica (12C potency) or a placebo beginning the morning of surgery. The treatment was repeated every eight hours for four days. Facial bruising and swelling were evaluated by doctors and nurses, as well as through a computerized digital-image analysis of photographs taken before and after surgery. Subjective symptoms—those observed by the patients and professional staff—and the degree of discoloration were not significantly improved by the arrica. However, the area of bruising was significantly smaller for the group of subjects who took arnica. Although the study was on women, I would expect the same results for men and for other types of bruising.

Arnica montana, also known as leopard's bane, is a widely used homeopathic remedy for injury to soft tissues. Amica preparations have been used in homeopathic medicine for two centuries. Sesquiterpene lactones, major active compounds in amica, are known to reduce inflammation, decrease pain and improve circulation.

I can attest to hundreds of cases in which arnica has reduced pain and swelling. I also have seen this benefit with infants and animals—where a placebo effect is unlikely. You can use amica for any soft-tissue injury such as bruising after afallor a sprained ankle. The most corffnon dose is two pellets of 30C strength taken two to four times daily for two days. Or apply homeopathic arnica cream two to three times daily until healed. Amica is sold at most health-food stores and some pharmacies.

Caution: Do not use topical arnica on broken skin or open wounds.