Amazing Low Glycemic Fruits For Diabetes

Some of us have an undeniable sweet tooth. It’s one of our human inclinations to crave carbohydrates because it gives our cells energy. But for our bodies to produce energy, we also need insulin.

Type 1 diabetes is when our bodies don’t produce any more insulin, make enough of it, or can’t use it. It then manifests in high blood sugar levels. High levels result in nasty bodily manifestations like eye damage or kidney damage.

The Glycemic Index

Photo by Jannis Brandt / Unsplash

The glycemic index will tell us how quickly foods with carbs will affect our blood sugar level. Based on the American Diabetes Association, the glycemic index scores are as follows:

55 or below means a low glycemic score.

56 to 69 means a moderate glycemic score.

And 70 and above means a high glycemic score.

When you have a low glycemic score, it means your body’s blood sugar rises only slowly, helping your body manage post-meal changes better.

Fruits generally have a low GI.

The food to blood sugar effect can also be measured with the glycemic load, classifying foods into low, medium, and high categories. It takes into account the grams of carbs of the food per serving.

Although each person responds to carbs differently, GL gives us an estimate of the impact of a certain food stuff when eaten.

GL can be calculated by multiplying the grams of carbohydrates by 100.

A low GL is from 0 to 10.

A moderate GL is from 11 to 19.

And a high GL is from 20 and up.

1. Cherries

Cherries have a GI score of 20 and a GL score of 6.

Cherries are known to be packed with potassium and antioxidants, improving your body’s immune system. They say it’s hard to get fresh cherries. Canned cherries have a GI score of 41 and a GL score of 6.

2. Grapefruit

Grapefruits have a GI score of 25 and a GL score of 3.

The grapefruit can give us our daily need of vitamin C. But they say that grapefruit can actually temper with the mechanisms of certain drugs, so it’s important to talk with your doctor if you’re taking any significant medication with grapefruit.

3. Dried apricots

Photo by Olia Nayda / Unsplash

Dried apricots have a GI score of 32 and a GL score of 9.

They say it’s hard to find fresh apricots as they bruise easily. This is why they’re shipped while they’re still green so they don’t bruise.

They give higher amounts of carbohydrates because they’re dried. They also give ¼ the daily requirement for copper. They also have high amounts of vitamin A and E. You can pair dried apricots with salads and seared salmon.

4. Pears

Pears have a GI score of 38 and a GL score of 4.

Pears are enjoyed fresh and also baked. They say that it’s healthier with the peeling on as these are rich in fiber. With pears, you can make a tasty salad.

5. Apples

Photo by Nikolai Chernichenko / Unsplash

Apples have a GI score of 39 and a GL score of 5.

Apples have a good reason to be one of the world’s most well-known fruits. It has a crunch to it when eaten so it’s a great way to nourish yourself while enjoying mastication. Apples are also great for gut bacteria.

6. Oranges

Oranges have a GI score of 40 and a GL score of 5.

Besides being a great source of vitamin C, oranges can also perk you up during the day and also make any room fragrant, giving you a nice feeling while you’re going about your daily business.

7. Strawberries

Strawberries have a GI score of 41 and a GL score of 3.

A cup of strawberries is said to outnumber the amount of vitamin C in one orange. Even in places like the Philippines, people can actually still grow strawberries. These can be great with smoothies and desserts.

8. Peaches

Peaches have a GI score of 42 and a GL score of 5.

A peach is said to have 68 calories with vitamins like A and C. They’re great for blueberry and mango smoothies.

9. Grapes

Grapes have a GI score of 53 and a GL score of 5.

Grapes are one of few fruits that are eaten with its skin. They’re a great source of vitamin B-6, a vitamin that vegetarians don’t get much of, and promotes nerve function.

Always keep in mind that GI and GL scores only serve as basic guides, and do not take into account how your body will uniquely react to a certain type of food. Always take note of how foods influence your health.